Showing posts with label streams messaging manager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label streams messaging manager. Show all posts

Using GrovePi with Raspberry Pi and MiNiFi Agents for Data Ingest to Parquet, Kudu, ORC, Kafka, Hive and Impala

Using GrovePi with Raspberry Pi and MiNiFi Agents for Data Ingest

Source Code:

Acquiring sensor data from Grove sensors is easy using a GrovePi Hat and some compatible sensors.

Just before my talk at the Future of Data Meetup @ Bell Works in Holmdel, NJ, I thought I should ingest some data from a grove sensor interface.

It's so easy a sleeping cat could do it.

So what does this device look like?  

I have a temperature and humidity sensor on there.

The distance sonic sensor is in there too, that's for the next article.

Let's do this with minimal RAM.

That's a 64GB hard drive underneath in the white case with the RPI.

I need more data and BACON.

We design our MiNiFi Agent Flow in CEM/EFM.   Grab JSON data stream and run sensors.

Apache NiFi 1.9.2 / CFM 1.0 Received HTTPS S2S Events From MiNiFi Agent

A simple flow to query and convert our JSON data, then store it to Kudu and HDFS (ORC) as well as push it to Kafka with a schema.

Let's read that Kafka message and store to Parquet, we will push to MQTT and JMS in the next article.   This is our universal proxy/gateway.

We could infer a schema and not save it.   But by saving a schema to the schema registry it makes SMM, Kafka, NiFi and others schema aware and easy to automagically query and convert between CSV/JSON/XML/AVRO/Parquet and more.

Let's store the data in Parquet files on HDFS with an Impala table.   In Apache NiFi 1.10 there is a ParquetWriter

Before we push to Kafka, let's create a topic for it with Cloudera SMM

Let's build an impala table for that Kudu data.

We can query our tables with ease as data rapidly is added.

Let's Examine the Parquet Files that NiFi Generated

 Let's query that parquet data with Impala in Hue

 Let's monitor that data in Kafka with Cloudera SMM

That was easy from device to enterprise cloud data store(s) with enterprise messages, security, governance, lineage, data catalog, SDX, monitoring and more.   How easy can you ingest IoT data, query it mid stream and store it in multiple data stores.   It took longer to write the article then to do the project and code.   All graphical, Single Sign On, multiple schemas/verisons/data types/engines, multiple OSs, edge, cloud and laptop.   Easy.

Table DDL

(humidity STRING, uuid STRING, systemtime STRING, runtime STRING, cpu DOUBLE, id STRING, te STRING, host STRING, `end` STRING, 
macaddress STRING, temperature STRING, diskusage STRING, memory DOUBLE, ipaddress STRING, host_name STRING) 
LOCATION '/tmp/grovesensors'

CREATE TABLE grovesensors ( uuid STRING,  `end` STRING,humidity STRING, systemtime STRING, runtime STRING, cpu DOUBLE, id STRING, te STRING, 
host STRING,
macaddress STRING, temperature STRING, diskusage STRING, memory DOUBLE, ipaddress STRING, host_name STRING,
PRIMARY KEY (uuid, `end`)
TBLPROPERTIES ('kudu.num_tablet_replicas' = '1')

hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/grovesensors
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/groveparquet

 diskusage STRING, 
  memory DOUBLE,  host_name STRING,
  systemtime STRING,
  macaddress STRING,
  temperature STRING,
  humidity STRING,
  cpu DOUBLE,
  uuid STRING,  ipaddress STRING,
  host STRING,
  `end` STRING,  te STRING,
  runtime STRING,
LOCATION '/tmp/groveparquet/'

Parquet Format

message org.apache.nifi.grove {
  optional binary diskusage (STRING);
  optional double memory;
  optional binary host_name (STRING);
  optional binary systemtime (STRING);
  optional binary macaddress (STRING);
  optional binary temperature (STRING);
  optional binary humidity (STRING);
  optional double cpu;
  optional binary uuid (STRING);
  optional binary ipaddress (STRING);
  optional binary host (STRING);
  optional binary end (STRING);
  optional binary te (STRING);
  optional binary runtime (STRING);
  optional binary id (STRING);


Using Cloudera Streams Messaging Manager for Apache Kafka Monitoring, Management, Analytics and CRUD

Using Cloudera Streams Messaging Manager for Apache Kafka Monitoring, Management, Analytics and CRUD

SMM is powerful tool to work with Apache Kafka and provide you with monitoring, management, analytics and creating Kafka topics.   You will be able to monitor servers, brokers, consumers, producers, topics and messages.   You will also be able to easily build alerts based on various events that can occur with those entities.

From Cloudera Manager, we can now install and manage Kafka, SMM, NiFi and Hadoop services.

Let's create a Kafka topic, no command-line!

For a simple topic, we select Low size for replication factor of one and replica count of one.  We also set a cleanup policy of delete.

Let's create an alert.

For this one if the nifi-reader consumer group has a lag then send an email to me.

Let's browse our Kafka infrastructure in our AWS Cloudera Kafka cluster, so easy to navigate.

You can dive into a topic and see individual messages, see offsets, keys, values, timestamps and more.

Zoom into one message in a topic.

Let's analyze a topic's configuration.

The result of the alert we built is an email sent to me with this data:

Example Alert Sent

Notification id: 56d35dcc-8fc0-4c59-b70a-ccbd1bb35681,
Root resource name: nifi-reader,
Root resource type: CONSUMER,
Created timestamp: Thu Aug 22 18:42:41 UTC 2019 : 1566499361366,
Last updated timestamp: Thu Aug 22 18:42:41 UTC 2019 : 1566499361366, 
State: RAISED,

Alert policy : "ALERT IF ( CONSUMER (name="nifi-reader") CONSUMER_GROUP_LAG >= 100 )" has been evaluated to true Condition : "CONSUMER_GROUP_LAG>=100" has been evaluated to true for following CONSUMERS - CONSUMER = "nifi-reader" had following attribute values * CONSUMER_GROUP_LAG = 139


  • CSP 2.1 
  • CDH 6.3.0
  • Cloudera Schema Registry 0.80
  • CFM
  • Apache NiFi Registry 0.3.0
  • Apache NiFi
  • JDK 1.8
