FLaNK in the Cloud!!!! Huge Cloudera Data Platform Public Cloud Updates - July 2020 - Data Flow Releases

FLaNK in the Cloud!!!!   

Huge Cloudera Data Platform Public Cloud Updates 

July 2020 - Data Flow Releases

With the promotion of Cloud Runtime 7.2.1 to Public Cloud, the CDF team is pleased to announce three key and very important updates that were also promoted to production today and available to customers.  These are:

Let's see what's new in 7.2.1!

Flow (GA) - 2.0.3 is optimized for public cloud!  

Streams  (GA) -  Now with Apache Kafka v2.5!

Streaming Analytics  (TP) -   v1.2.1, powered by Apache Flink 1.10 is Technical Preview in the CDP Public Cloud.

Start with Streaming Analytics Light Duty

Using Kudu with Flink

Using HBase with Flink

Using Kafka with Flink

General CSA Flink Docs

  • Data source reading from Kafka
  • Data sinks writing to Kafka, HBase and Kudu
  • Apache Atlas integration
  • SQL/Table API and SQL Client
  • Table connectors 
    • Kafka
    • Kudu
    • Hive (through catalog)
We can now run the FLaNK Stack in the Public Cloud automagically!

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