Cloud Tools Guidance: How To Build Data Assets: Create an Apache Iceberg Table

 Cloud Tools Guidance: How To Build Data Assets: Create an Apache Iceberg Table

Author: Michael Kohs  George Vetticaden Timothy Spann 

Date: 04/19/2023

Last Updated: 5/02/2023


This document assumes that you have registered for an account, activated it and logged into the CDP Sandbox.   This is for authorized users only who have attended the webinar and have read the training materials.

A short guide and references are listed here. 

1.3 Create an Apache Iceberg Table

  1. Navigate to oss-kudu-demo from the Data Hubs list

  1. Navigate to Hue from the Kudu Data Hub.

  1. Inside of Hue you can now create your table.

  1. Navigate to your database, this was created for you. 

Info:   The database name pattern is your email address and then all special characters are replaced with underscore and then _db is appended to that to make the db name and the ranger policy is created to limit access to just the user and those that are in the admin group.   For example: 

  1. Create your Apache Iceberg table, it must be prefixed with your Work Load User Name (userid).  

CREATE TABLE <<userid>>_syslog_critical_archive

(priority int, severity int, facility int, version int, event_timestamp bigint, hostname string,

body string, appName string, procid string, messageid string,

structureddata struct<sdid:struct<eventid:string,eventsource:string,iut:string>>)


  1. Your table is created in s3a://oss-uat2/iceberg/ 

  1. Once you have sent data to your table, you can query it.

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