Edge Data Processing with Jetson Nano Part 1 - Deploy, Setup and Ingest

Edge Data Processing with Jetson Nano Part 1 - Deploy, Setup and Ingest

Configuring Executing Image Capture and Jetson Nano Classify Python Script

Configuring Tailing JSON Log

Configuring Acquiring Images from File Directory

Configuring the Remote Connection to NiFi

Example CEM Events

Simple NiFi Flow to Receive Remote Events

Apache NiFi Server receives from annotated images as well as JSON packets.

JSON Data Packet Example

{"uuid": "nano_uuid_kwo_20190719182103", "ipaddress": "", "top1pct": 32.6171875, "top1": "desktop computer", "cputemp": "32.5", "gputemp": "31.5", "gputempf": "89", "cputempf": "90", "runtime": "5", "host": "jetsonnano", "filename": "/opt/demo/images/image_bei_20190719182103.jpg", "imageinput": "/opt/demo/images/2019-07-19_1421.jpg", "host_name": "jetsonnano", "macaddress": "de:07:5a:27:1e:7f", "end": "1563560468.7867181", "te": "4.806252717971802", "systemtime": "07/19/2019 14:21:08", "cpu": 55.8, "diskusage": "5225.1 MB", "memory": 57.5, "id": "20190719182103_fcaa94d4-7629-423a-b76e-714168e64677"}


It was very easy to setup a simple flow to execute out Deep Learning classification and data acquisition with Apache NiFi, MiNiFi and Cloudera EFM.  We can now do something with the data like push it to the cloud.
