NiFi Quick Tip on SQL
You sometimes have to cast, as fields aren't what you think they are. I have some temperatures that are stored as string, yeah I know let's yell at who did that. Maybe it was some lazy developer (Me?~??~?~?!!!). Let's just cast to a type that makes sense for math and comparisons. CAST is my friend.
Apache NiFi (and lots of other awesome projects) use Apache Calcite for queries. So if you need some SQL help, always look here:
You can also include variables in your QueryRecord queries.
SELECT *FROM FLOWFILEWHERE CAST(temperaturef as FLOAT) >= (CAST(${predictedTemperature} as FLOAT) - 5)
Underscore has special meaning. Also there often column names that are reserved words. I got a lot of columns coming from IoT often with names like timestamp, start, end and other ones used by SQL. Just put a `start` around it.
Watch those wildcards.
select * from flowfile where internal = false
and name not like '@_@_%' ESCAPE '@'