Upcoming Events 2021

 Upcoming Events 2021

ApacheCon Asia - 06-August-2021

Scenic City Summit - 24-September-2021

ApacheCon 2021 - 21-September-2021 to 23-September-2021

Tuesday 17:10 UTC - Apache NIFi Deep Dive 300 

Tuesday 18:00 UTC - Apache Deep Learning 302 

Wednesday 15:00 UTC - Smart Transit: Real-Time Transit Information with FLaNK 

Wednesday 17:10 UTC - Cracking the Nut, Solving Edge AI with Apache Tools and Frameworks 

Thursday 14:10 UTC - Apache NiFi 101: Introduction and Best Practices 

Big Data Conference EU - 28-September-2021 to 29-September-2021


API World - 26-October-2021 to 28-October-2021
