Smart Stocks with FLaNK (NiFi, Kafka, Flink SQL)

Smart Stocks with FLaNK (NiFi, Kafka, Flink SQL)

I would like to track stocks from IBM and Cloudera frequently during the day using Apache NiFi to read the REST API.   After that I have some Streaming Analytics to perform with Apache Flink SQL and I also want permanent fast storage in Apache Kudu queried with Apache Impala.

Let's build that application cloud native in seconds in AWS or Azure.

To Script Loading Schemas, Tables, Alerts see scripts/

  • Kafka Topic
  • Kafka Schema
  • Kudu Table
  • Flink Prep
  • Flink SQL Client Run
  • Flink SQL Client Configuration
Once our automated admin has built our cloud environment and populated it with the goodness of our app, we can being out continuous sql.

If you know your data, build a schema, share to the registry

One unique thing we added was a default value in our Avro schema and making it a logicalType for timestamp-millis.  This is helpful for Flink SQL timestamp related queries.

{ "name" : "dt", "type" : ["long"], "default": 1, "logicalType": "timestamp-millis"}

You can see the entire schema here:

We will also want a topic for Stock Alerts that we will create later with Flink SQL, so let's define a schema for that as well.

For our data today we will use AVRO data with AVRO schemas for use inside Kafka topics and whoever will consume it.

How to Build a Smart Stock DataFlow in X Easy Steps

  1. Retrieve data from source (example:   InvokeHTTP against SSL REST Feed - say TwelveData) with a schedule.
  2. Set a Schema Name (UpdateAttribute)
  3. ForkRecord:  We use this to split out records from the header (/values) using RecordPath syntax.
  4. QueryRecord:  Convert type and manipulate data with SQL.   We aren't doing anything in this one, but this is an option to change fields, add fields, etc...
  5. UpdateRecord:  This first one I am setting some fields in the record from attributes and adding a current timestamp.   I also reformate by timestamp for conversion.
  6. UpdateRecord:   I am making dt make numeric UNIX timestamp.
  7. UpdateRecord:  I am making datetime my formatted String date time.
  8. (LookupRecord):  I don't have this step yet as I don't have an internal record for this company in my Real-Time Data Mart.  I will probably add this step to augment or check my data.
  9. (ValidateRecord):   For less reliable data sources, I may want to validate my data against our schema, otherwise we will get warnings or errors.
  10. PublishKafkaRecord_2_0:   Convert from JSON to AVRO, send to our Kafka topic with headers including reference to the correct schema stocks and it's version 1.0.

Now that we are streaming our data to Kafka topics, we can utilize it in Flink SQL Continuous SQL applications, NiFi applications, Spark 3 applications and more.   So in this case CFM NiFi is our Producer and we will have CFM NiFi and CSA Flink SQL as Kafka Consumers.

We can see what our data looks like in the new cleaned up format with all the fields we need.

Viewing, Monitoring, Checking and Alerting On Our Streaming Data in Kafka

Cloudera Streams Messaging Manager solves all of these difficult problems from one easy to use pre integrated UI.   It is pre-wired into my Kafka Datahubs and secured with SDX.

I can see my AVRO data with associated stocks schema is in the topic, ready to be consumed.  I can then monitor who is consuming, how much and if there is a lag or latency.

How to Store Our Streaming Data to Our Real-Time DataMart in the Cloud

Consume stocks AVRO data with stocks schema then write to our Real-Time Data Mart in Cloudera Data Platform powered by Apache Impala and Apache Kudu.   If something failed or could not connect, let's retry three times.

We use a parameter for our 3+ Kafka brokers with port.   We could also have parameters for topic names and consumer name.   We read from stocks table which uses stocks schema that is referenced in Kafka header automatically ready by NiFi.  When we sent message to Kafka, nifi passed on our schema name via attribute in NiFi.   As we can see it was schema attached Avro, so we use that Reader and convert to simple JSON with that schema.

Writing to our Cloud Native Real-Time Data Mart could not be simpler, we reference the table stocks we have created and have permissions to and use the JSON reader.   I like UPSERT since it handles INSERT AND UPDATE.

First we need to create our Kudu table in either Apache Hue from CDP or from the command line scripted.   Example:  impala-shell -i edge2ai-1.dim.local -d default -f  /opt/demo/sql/kudu.sql 
  uuid STRING,
  `datetime` STRING,
  `symbol` STRING, 
  `open` STRING, 
  `close` STRING,
  `high` STRING,
  `volume` STRING,
  `low` STRING,
PRIMARY KEY (uuid,`datetime`) ) 
STORED AS KUDU TBLPROPERTIES ('kudu.num_tablet_replicas' = '1');

Using Apache Hue integrated in CDP, I can examine my Real-Time Data Mart table and then query my table.

My data is now ready for reports, dashboards, applications, notebooks, web applications, mobile apps and machine learning.

I can now spin up a Cloudera Visual Application on this table in a few seconds.

Now we can build our streaming analytics application in Flink.

How to Build a Smart Stock Streaming Analytics in X Easy Steps

I can connect to Flink SQL from the command line Flink SQL Client to start exploring my Kafka and Kudu data, create temporary tables and launch some applications (insert statements). The environment lets me see all the different catalogs available including registry (Cloudera Cloud Schema Registry), hive (Cloud Native Database table) and kudu (Cloudera Real-Time Cloud Data Mart) tables.

Run Flink SQL Client

It's a two step process, first setup a yarn session.   You may need to add your Kerberos credentials.

flink-yarn-session -tm 2048 -s 2 -d

Then launch the command line SQL Client.

flink-sql-client embedded -e sql-env.yaml


Run Flink SQL

Cross Catalog Query to Stocks Kafka Topic

select * from registry.default_database.stocks;

Cross Catalog Query to Stocks Kudu/Impala Table

select * from kudu.default_database.impala::default.stocks;

Default Catalog

use catalog default_catalog;

CREATE TABLE stockEvents ( symbol STRING, uuid STRING, ts BIGINT, dt BIGINT, datetime STRING, open STRING, close STRING, high STRING, volume STRING, low STRING, 
event_time AS CAST(from_unixtime(floor(ts/1000)) AS TIMESTAMP(3)), 
WATERMARK FOR event_time AS event_time - INTERVAL '5' SECOND ) 
WITH ( 'connector.type' = 'kafka', 'connector.version' = 'universal', 
'connector.topic' = 'stocks', 
'connector.startup-mode' = 'earliest-offset', 
'' = 'edge2ai-1.dim.local:9092', 
'format.type' = 'registry', 
'' = 'http://edge2ai-1.dim.local:7788/api/v1' );

show tables;

Flink SQL> describe stockEvents; 

root |-- symbol: STRING |-- uuid: STRING |-- ts: BIGINT |-- dt: BIGINT |-- datetime: STRING |-- open: STRING |-- close: STRING |-- high: STRING |-- volume: STRING |-- low: STRING |-- event_time: TIMESTAMP(3) AS CAST(FROM_UNIXTIME(FLOOR(ts / 1000)) AS TIMESTAMP(3)) |-- WATERMARK FOR event_time AS event_time - INTERVAL '5' SECOND

We added a watermark and event time pulled from our timestamp.

Simple Select All Query

select * from default_catalog.default_database.stockEvents;

We can do some interesting queries against this table we created.

Tumbling Window

SELECT symbol, 
TUMBLE_START(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) as tumbleStart, 
TUMBLE_END(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) as tumbleEnd, 
AVG(CAST(high as DOUBLE)) as avgHigh 
FROM stockEvents 
WHERE symbol is not null 
GROUP BY TUMBLE(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE), symbol;

Top 3

( PARTITION BY window_start ORDER BY num_stocks desc ) AS rownum 
SELECT TUMBLE_START(event_time, INTERVAL '10' MINUTE) AS window_start, 
COUNT(*) AS num_stocks 
FROM stockEvents 
GROUP BY symbol, 
TUMBLE(event_time, INTERVAL '10' MINUTE) ) ) 
WHERE rownum <=3;

Stock Alerts

INSERT INTO stockalerts 
/*+ OPTIONS('sink.partitioner'='round-robin') */ 
SELECT CAST(symbol as STRING) symbol, 
CAST(uuid as STRING) uuid, ts, dt, open, close, high, volume, low, 
datetime, 'new-high' message, 'nh' alertcode, CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS BIGINT) alerttime FROM stocks st 
WHERE symbol is not null 
AND symbol <> 'null' 
AND trim(symbol) <> '' 
AND CAST(close as DOUBLE) > 11;

Monitoring Flink Jobs

Using the CSA Flink Global Dashboard, I can see all my Flink jobs runninging including SQL Client jobs, disconnected Flink SQL inserts and deployed Flink applications.

We can also see the data populated in the stockalerts topic.  We can run a Flink SQL, Spark 3, NiFi or other applications against this data to handle alerts.   That may be the next application, I may send those alerts to iphone messages, Slack messages, a database table and a websockets app.

Data Lineage and Governance

We all know that NiFi has deep data lineage that can be pushed or pulled via REST, Reporting Tasks or CLI to use in audits, metrics and tracking.   If I want to all the governance data for my entire streaming pipeline I will use Apache Atlas that is prewired as part of SDX in my Cloud Data Platform.


New Release for HDF 3.5.2 and Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub7.2.6 (Public Cloud)

New Release for HDF 3.5.2 and Cloudera Data Flow for Data Hub 7.2.6 (Public Cloud)

There are a lot of major updates for various Cloudera Flow Management releases.

HDF 3.5.2

This is the final release of HDF.  HDF 3.5.2 includes the following components:
  • Apache Ambari 2.7.5
  • Apache Kafka 2.3.1
  • Apache NiFi 1.12.1
  • NiFi Registry 0.8.0
  • Apache Ranger 1.2.0
  • Apache Storm 1.2.1
  • Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.6
  • Apache MiNiFi Java Agent 0.6.0
  • Apache MiNiFi C++ 0.6.0
  • Hortonworks Schema Registry 0.8.1
  • Hortonworks Streaming Analytics Manager 0.6.0
  • Apache Knox 1.0.0
  • SmartSense 1.5.0

Major Updates

  • Apache NiFi updated to 1.12.1 plus fixes and improvements
  • Apache NiFi Registry updated to 0.8.0  plus fixes and improvements
  • System Level Monitoring History
  • Scripted Transform Record processor
  • ListenFTP 
  • Support for a record writer in the ListX processors
  • Support for Kafka 2.6
  • ADLS Gen2 processors
  • Flow File Concurrency at Process Group Level
  • Hazelcast implementation for the distributed map cache server
  • Support for version 2 and 3 of the schema encoding with the Schema Registry

Public Cloud Release

CFM 2.0.6 is now running in Cloudera Data Platform Public Cloud version 7.2.6.   This version adds Technical Preview support for GCS.

Streams Replication Manager (SRM) is now available in Public Cloud.

SRM can now be provisioned in CDP Public Cloud with Data Hub. The default Streams Messaging cluster definitions are updated to include SRM.    SRM can now be deployed in high availability mode.

Cluster Layout

CDP DC Site-to-Site CDP Public Cloud

Google Cloud Tech Preview For NiFi Data Hub

Cloudera Data Platform - Using Apache NiFi REST API in the Public Cloud

You can grab the end points from the Data Hub End Points tab.

Example NiFi REST API Calls To CDP CDF Public Cloud NiFI Datahub

These type of REST calls will prompt you for your username/password.

Here are some examples:

How to Connect With NiFi CLI


Basic Understanding of Cloudera Flow Management - Apache NiFi

 Basic Understanding of Cloudera Flow Management - Apache NiFi


  • NiFi Cluster Architecture
  • Content Repository
  • EncryptedContentRepository and other options
  • Provenance Repository
  • FlowFile Repository
  • FlowFile, Attributes, Process Groups, Connections, Flow Controllers
  • Controller Services
  • Custom Properties
  • Common Attributes (uuid, filename, path, file size, ...)
  • Expression Language
  • Flow Routing
  • Testing and Test Data Generation
  • Relationships
  • Ports
  • Bulletins
  • flow.xml.gz
  • Input Port
  • Output Port
  • Empty Queues
  • Setting Warning Levels
  • Funnels
  • Copy on Write
  • RecordPath 
  • Using Record Processors (Readers/Writers)
  • NiFi Toolkit
  • NiFi CLI
  • NiFi Registry Integration
  • Handling Errors
  • Parameter Context / Parameters
  • Summary / Cluster / Bulletins
  • Reporting Tasks
  • Sizing NiFi Cluster on # of records * size / amount of time
  • Configuration Files (Changing RAM)
  • Understanding NiFi logs
  • How to add custom processors
  • JVM 
  • Back pressure
  • Prioritized Queues
  • Load Balancing
  • Load Balancing Strategies
  • Prioritization
  • Monitoring a Flow
  • Using Search
  • Using Documentation
  • Classloader
  • Site-to-Site Communication / Remote Process Groups
  • Extensions
  • Scheduling
  • Tailing Files
  • Reading sFTP/FTP Files
  • Wait and Notify
  • RetryFlowFile Pattern
  • NiFi Calcite SQL 
  • Using Jolt
  • Using JsonPath
  • Using Kerberos
  • Using SSL
  • Making REST Calls
  • Receiving REST Calls
  • Working with Websockets
  • Working with TCP/IP, UDP, Sockets
  • Working with Files, Logs, Syslog
  • Producing and Consuming Kafka
  • Working with HDFS
  • Reading/Writing Hive
  • Reading/Writing Impala/Kudu
  • Reading/Writing HBase
  • Integration with Ranger
  • Integration with Knox
  • Integration with Atlas
  • LookupRecord
  • Working with Caches
  • Restarting Flows
  • Pass by Reference
  • Working with XML
  • Working with JSON
  • Working with AVRO
  • Working with Schema Registry
  • Using Regular Expressions
  • Funnels

Must read:

Building SSL for Hosting Mobile Sites on NiFi

Building SSL For Hosting Mobile Web Sites on Apache NiFi

 openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout admin-private-key.pem -out admin-cert.pem -days 365 -subj "/CN=Admin Q. User/C=US/L=Seattle" -nodes

openssl pkcs12 -inkey admin-private-key.pem -in admin-cert.pem -export -out admin-q-user.pfx -passout pass:"SuperSecret"


keytool -genkeypair -alias nifiserver -keyalg RSA -keypass SuperSecret -storepass SuperSecret -keystore server_keystore.jks -dname "CN=Test NiFi Server" -noprompt

keytool -genkeypair -alias nifiserver -keyalg RSA -keypass SuperSecret -storepass SuperSecret -keystore server_keystore.jks -dname "CN=Test NiFi Server" -noprompt

keytool -importcert -v -trustcacerts -alias admin -file admin-cert.pem -keystore server_truststore.jks  -storepass SuperSecret -noprompt

# then import into browser / ssl / key certs

[FLaNK] Smart Weather Websocket Application - Kafka Consumer

 [FLaNK] Smart Weather Websocket Application - Kafka Consumer

Part 2 of 2

This is based on Koji Kawamura's excellent GIST:

As part of my Smart Weather Application, I wanted to display weather information as it arrives in a webpage using web sockets.   Koji has an excellent NiFi flow that does it.   I tweaked it and add some things since I am not using Zeppelin.   I am hosting my webpage with NiFi as well.

We simply supply a webpage that makes a websocket connection to NiFi and NiFi keeps a cache in HBase to know what the client is doing.  This cache is updated by consuming from Kafka.   We can then feed events as they happen to the page.

Here is the JavaScript for the web page interface to websockets:

function sendMessage(type, payload) {
websocket.send(makeMessage(type, payload));

function makeMessage(type, payload) {
return JSON.stringify({
'type': type,
'payload': payload

var wsUri = "ws://edge2ai-1.dim.local:9091/test";

websocket = new WebSocket(wsUri);
websocket.onopen = function(evt) {

sendMessage('publish', {
"message": document.getElementById("kafkamessage")

websocket.onerror = function(evt) {console.log('ERR', evt)};
websocket.onmessage = function(evt) {
var dataPoints = JSON.parse(;

var output = document.getElementById("results");
var dataBuffer = "<p>";
for(var i=0;i<dataPoints.length;i++)
dataBuffer += " <img src=\"" + dataPoints[i].icon_url_base + dataPoints[i].icon_url_name + "\"> &nbsp;" + dataPoints[i].location +
dataPoints[i].station_id + "@" + dataPoints[i].latitude + ":" +
dataPoints[i].longitude + "@" + dataPoints[i].observation_time +
dataPoints[i].temperature_string + "," + dataPoints[i].relative_humidity + "," +
dataPoints[i].wind_string +"<br>";

output.innerHTML = output.innerHTML + dataBuffer + "</p><br>";


Video Walkthrough:

Source Code:

Kafka Topic

weathernj Schema

The schema registry has a live Swagger interface to it's REST API

NiFi Flow Overview

Ingest Via REST All US Weather Data from Zipped XML

As Data Streamings In, We Can Govern It

Ingested Data is Validated Against It's Schema Then Pushed to Kafka as Avro

We consume that Kafka data in store it in Kudu for analytics

We host a web page for our Websockets Application in NiFi with 4 simple processors.

Listen and Put Web Socket Messages Between NiFi Server and Web Application

Kafka Data is Cached for Websocket Applications

Set the Port for WebSockets via Jetty Web Server

Use HBase As Our Cache

We can monitor our Flink SQL application from the Global Flink Dashboard

We can query our Weather data store in Apache Kudu via Apache Impala through Apache Hue 

Kudu Visualizations of Our Weather Data in Cloudera Visual Applications

[FLaNK] Smart Weather Applications with Flink SQL

 [FLaNK] Smart Weather Applications with Flink SQL 

Sometimes you want to acquire, route, transform, live query and analyze all the weather data in the United States while those reports happen.   With FLaNK, it's a trivial process to do.

From Kafka to Kudu for Any Schema of Any Type of Data, No Code, Two Steps

The Schema Registry has full Swagger-ized Runnable REST API Documentation.   Integrate, DevOps and Migration in a simple script

Here's your schemas, upload, edit and compare.

Validating Data Against a Schema With Your Approved Level of Tolerance.   You want extra fields allowed, you got it.


Feed that data to beautiful visual applications running in Cloudera Machine Learning.

You like drill down maps, you got them.

Query your data fast with Apache Hue against Apache Kudu tables through Apache Impala.

Let's ingest all the US weather stations even though they are a zipped directory of a ton of XML files.

Weather Ingest is Easy Automagically

View All Your Topic Data Enabled by Schema Registry Even in Avro Format






INSERT INTO weathernj
SELECT `location`, station_id,latitude,longitude,observation_time,weather,
temperature_string, temp_f,temp_c,relative_humidity,wind_string,wind_dir,wind_degrees,wind_mph,
wind_kt, pressure_in,dewpoint_string,dewpoint_f,dewpoint_c
FROM weather
`location` is not null and `location` <> 'null' and trim(`location`) <> '' and `location` like '%NJ';

Kafka Insert


Example Slack Output

========================================================= Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport, KY Station KCVG
Temperature: 49.0 F (9.4 C)
Humdity: 83
Wind East at 3.5 MPH (3 KT)
Dewpoint 44.1 F (6.7 C)Observed at Tue, 27 Oct 2020 11:52:00 -0400---- tracking info ----          UUID: 2cb6bd67-148c-497d-badf-dfffb4906b89
  Kafka offset: 0
Kafka Timestamp: 1603818351260